Google’s Updates for Search Marketers
Last month’s Google Search On event, the company announced several exciting features and changes to search results that will be important for every search marketer to be aware of. If you haven’t followed Google’s updates closely, there may be things you aren’t caught up on, so this article will go over some of the more major changes the company is making. Some of these changes include big things like MUM, which we covered in our previous article. Still, they include things like larger image results, an expanded “About this result” feature, and a more “shippable” interface to Google’s search functions. Of course, there was even more than that, so this article will go over everything you might have missed.
Enhanced Browsing with Larger Images
Calling it a more “visually browsable” interface for certain search result pages, Google has rolled out a feature that many search marketers are sure to welcome. The easiest way to see them, for now, is to enter a search query containing both a keyword as well as the word “idea” after the word. For example, ‘sculpture ideas’ or ‘glitter slime ideas.’ Google’s intention, according to statements they’ve made, is to try to make it so this interface “makes it easier to visually browse to find what you are looking for.”
The images seem to be called “image universal blocks,” and they appear for more than just idea queries – So far, they appear for apparel searches. This is sure to be a welcome addition for people who operate arts and crafts and storefront businesses, as the user doesn’t have to click on a thumbnail to be shown a full resolution image of whatever it is they’re looking for.
“About This Result” Upgrade for Search Marketers
Back in February of this year, Google launched the “About this result” box and in July added more info to it, such as ranking information and other informative features that can give viewers information without a direct page click. Now there is even more information in the “About this result” box, such as what the source wants to say about themselves (pulled from places like an “About Us” page). There is also a way for the box to show web results from either the website itself or other pages.
For now, Google tells us that there is no way for businesses to control what information is being shown as far as the related results or commentaries about the result are concerned. The queries used to pull from these pages are currently undisclosed, and the company has told us it will be watching for misuse, abuse, and manipulation of these features.
Shop Searching Features
Some particularly exciting new features came in the way of Google’s shoppable search for apparel while browsing mobile. The example the company provided was “cropped jackets,” and the new search provided a webstore-esque layout of crisp images of cropped jackets along with price and other information.
Additionally, Google is adding an in-store inventory system to help users at home feel as if they are shopping in person. By clicking the “In-Stock” feature, you can see if stores near you have certain items on the shelves.
The takeaway is that many of these additions may be leveraged to help your business. At the same time, the About This Result section may contain inaccurate or unflattering third-party information. If you’d like to know more about certain Google updates, or need assistance in utilizing these new search modifiers – check our site at Emu Web Marketing.