How to Embrace Digital Marketing

By |2019-08-06T22:44:09+00:00July 24th, 2019|Categories: Marketing Blog|Tags: , |

If the field of digital marketing was a human being, it would be a fresh-faced college graduate. This can be scary to many business owners – placing the success or failure of your business in the hands of someone that is only two decades into life is nerve-wracking. Marketing has never been an exact science, but [...]

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Web Design Consulting: 5 Technicalities to Remember That Improve Your Website

By |2016-02-15T21:55:20+00:00February 15th, 2016|Categories: Marketing Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Technology reinvents the way art and functionality are perceived. For example, many artists thought that typography would fall to texting. In actuality, typography appears on every website and it serves as the staple of web design. Besides the artistic elements of web design development, the technicalities of a website are important. Usability and visibility are functions [...]

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